St. John Update
We just finished watching the press briefing from our governor, and here are a few key takeaways.
Visitors and The Territory’s Reopening Plan
As of today, the governor announced that as long as things continue on the trend we are on, we are going to welcome Tourism back on June 1st and he even said they are working with the Cruise lines to make a plan for a safe return later in the year. One thing to take note of is that the public ferries are requiring facial coverings before allowing anyone to board.
Our reopening plan is focused on a 5 phase system; info graphic below of the three phases we are working on now.
*Orange: We are currently at this level. Stay at home orders in place, non-essential businesses closed. Restaurants take out only. Schools closed.
*Yellow: (Effective on Monday, May 4th): Relaxes some of the restrictions on non-essential business. The biggest change here is that they are requiring a facial covering before entering any commercial establishments. No gatherings greater than 50 persons. Hotels and bars remain closed; restaurants can do to-go food and drinks.
*Blue: We anticipate moving to this status on June 1st, or possibly earlier depending on how things progress. Hotels and Villas can operate and will be allowed to open but large gatherings will be prohibited and they will be recommending facial coverings in commercial entities.
*Green: New normal – we will reach this status when we have no further documented cases of the virus in the USVI.

What does this mean for charter boats?
Technically if we are not taking more than 9 passengers plus the captain and everyone is wearing a buff or mask, then we can resume operations. However, without tourists allowed in the territory until June 1st, as of right now, we are still essentially shut down for another month. We’re hoping to clarify this in coming days/weeks and we will try to keep an update coming your way weekly or bi-weekly. .

Future Travel!
As of right now the territory will be opening up and resuming our main source of income, tourism, come June. It’s as always a fluid situation and we’ll try to keep everyone updated as best we can!
Thank you for all of you following along on Social media, shopping our merchandise, and your kind emails and support!

Looking for an excuse to shop online?
Stay tuned next Monday for another weekly deal, we will continue these through the month of May and possibly beyond. We are also excited that we will be bringing you an updated and smoother process for shopping online! I’ve been working to switch us over to a better shopping system and it’s almost ready for you!