Top 5 Positive Things
We all know better days are ahead, but we have a lot to be thankful for now and staying positive has really helped us get through the weeks and days. That being said, there has been some good personally to come out of all of this. Business wise, not so much, but that’s not what we’re here for today.
The Light at The End of The Tunnel!
We are anxiously awaiting the Governor’s Friday address where he is slated to confirm (Or deny) the June 1st opening date for the territory. While we don’t know what will happen once our borders open, we do know that our economy and obviously our business thrives on tourism. We are ready to welcome you all back, with precautions in place and the hope for a fruitful summer.

Family Time!
I was talking to a friend of mine with a son around the same age as Jackson and we were talking about how good this family time has been for them. Older kids are having a harder time missing their friends but for our little ones it’s been a huge silver lining and honestly a blessing. Joe and I are normally non stop busy all the time, and there is no other time where we would be able to take Jackson to the beach EVERY afternoon. ( I’m going to miss those afternoons at Maho.)
For Joe it’s been amazing for him to get this much one on one time with Jackson also, he’s had to step into the role more as I’m still working on running the business, fighting to get PPP done, doing marketing, and of course Real Estate. These are the years and months that Jackson is developing and growing SO much, and we’re really feeling lucky that we are getting to be there for him. The little things he’s learning have been so much fun to be present for.

Empty Beaches and Open Trails!
I don’t think I need to elaborate too much on this but we’ve been to Trunk Bay more in the last couple of months than I ever have. The beaches are empty, everyone is social distancing and for outdoor exercise the trails are open and cleared (Thank You NPS!)

An Opportunity to Explore the US Waters By Boat!
We all know it’s expensive to go to the BVI, so we’re actually looking forward to spending more time in US Waters this summer. Let’s keep some of the tourism dollars in the US that otherwise would have been spent in the BVI, let’s explore hidden snorkeling spots and calm swimming spots. It’s going to be an adjustment but it might end up being a bit of a revolution for our industry. Water based restaurants like Lime Out and Pizza Pi are going to have a killer summer and we’re thrilled to support those local restaurants with our guests!

There’s a lot of sand in our shower!
We’re at the beach almost every afternoon and there’s sand everywhere. I have never felt like we “lived at the beach” more than I do now and you know what the best part of it is? Jackson no longer has ANY fear of the water, he’s floating and doing his own version of swimming, and it’s been incredible for him to have this time on and in the water.