Where do you vacation when you live in a vacation destination?
Okay, so our life isn’t vacation, but we do live in a vacation destination. Most of you who know us or have been out on the water with us know that Joe’s work week ranges from between 5-7 days all in the sun and mine is well, kind of constant because it can come with me. That’s the downside of owning the business. It’s also the upside of owning the business.
Hence. Vacation. We like to vacation and a lot of times our vacations are spent in Colorado or Tennessee enjoying much needed family time….but not always. We experienced not leaving the Virgin Islands for 2 years consecutively one time, and that is not an easy thing to do. So with that being said, here are our Top Five Vacation Spots/Tours when not visiting family.
Puerto Rico– This is our version of a weekend getaway! It’s were we got married so we try to go back at least once a year for a mini vacation. Puerto Rico is SO different even though it’s so close, it’s like being in a whole different world. We usually either stay in Condado or Old San Juan and we love hiking through the rainforest, eating amazing food, enjoying less expensive everything and soaking up the vast amounts of air conditioning (Puerto Rican’s like their buildings ice-cold.)
Favorite Restaurant: Jose Enrique, Favorite Historical Spot: El Morro, Favorite Daytime Activity: The Rainforest
Spain– Just in general, Spain is wonderful and I can’t wait to go back. The people are so nice, the food is so amazing, and there is SO much to do! This leads us to our next one..
Devour Madrid– Better yet, Devour Spain. This is a tour company started by two americans that I actually found on Instagram before we went to spain two years ago. They had over 700 reviews at the time and not a single one was below a 4 star. That’s pretty impressive. So we decided to check it out. At around $100 per person they claimed we’d be well fed, well imbibed, and well informed. Naturally, Joe and I were skeptical, but we went for it. We figured at least we’d get a good lay of the land for the next few days in Madrid and if it was lame, we’d bow out early. Let me tell you. I have never been more impressed with a tour operation. We did a night time tapas tour and we were over fed, over served, and informed just enough to really appreciate the history of the tour and the tid bits of info we received along the way. We have since been sending all of our St Johnian friends who visit Spain to them and it’s a hard sell to people in the tourism industry, but we’ve made believers out of more than a few of our friends! Check out their website here, and if you head to Spain, bring me back some Iberico Ham..yummm.
Charleston, SC– Before we started Love City Excursions Joe and I packed up our life and dogs and moved to Charleston, SC to give stateside living a go. We lasted about 6 months before we missed Saint John and decided to move back, but Charleston won us over and has become a favorite spot for us to vacation; made even easier by some of our favorite people still living there! I can’t even begin to talk about the food scene in Charleston, there are just too many good options; both dives and new innovative options!
Nashville, TN– Okay, this one is kind of a cop out because Joe is from Nashville. But honestly I’m so happy he’s from there because it means we get to spend at least a week every year there! It’s such a great city, and if Charleston’s food scene is up and coming then Nashville is not far behind. We usually try out one new restaurant every time we go, but we’re also always sure to hit up the farmers markets and local dive bars too. Just outside of Nashville is beautiful rural countryside where we’ve found a few great wineries, and hiking spots as well.
hmm….Apparently this should have been titled, “our favorite places to eat when not on St. John….”
From one Nashvillian to another, I could not agree more that Music City is the best. A group of six of us will be down next June, and Joe’s home town cred is very enticing when it comes to booking a charter. And did I read that Joe’s blood runs UT orange? If so, extra points.
You’re correct on both points! Email us at info@lovecityexcursions.com and we’ll get all the info to you that you’ll need for a charter! (Joe has a Vol Navy Flag he flies on game days on CatZilla.)