The Virgin Islands are open

The Virgin Islands are Open We are so excited to write that.  The territory has been amping up towards re-opening for a long time now and a lot of you have been asking us a lot of questions so here is what we are anticipating with the “Blue Phase” and open...

Covid 19 Changes to our Charters

Covid-19 and our Charters We have gotten a lot of emails asking about updates, when you will be welcome to visit, what precautions are being taken, etc.  The latest update from the Governor came with a VERY welcome surprise; our restaurants are allowed to open their...

St. John Update

St. John Update We just finished watching the press briefing from our governor, and here are a few key takeaways. Visitors and The Territory’s Reopening Plan  As of today, the governor announced that as long as things continue on the trend we are on, we are...