Off Season on St. John, USVI

  It’s the end of August on St. John, USVI and everyone is talking about who is closing and when, where we’re all traveling to, and all the boats are gearing up to spend some quality time in the boat yard for repairs and maintenance.  However, off...

Tips for Tourists

With the holidays just around the corner, we are about to have a major influx of tourism on Saint John.  We’re always thankful for how busy Saint John is during the holidays and we love seeing all the visitors have such a great time on this beautiful little rock...

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from Love City Excursions! Today we are thankful for: All of our guests The Community of Saint John, for helping make our business a success Our families for putting up with us living so far away and for benefitting by getting to visit us The...

Why Love City?

We often get new visitors to Saint John that want to know why our business is called Love City Excursions and isn’t related to the name of our boat, CatZilla. When Joe and I set out to build our business, there were trials and tribulations and so much back and...